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4、Loan Notify

4.1、Loan Notify interface


Description: This API is used to notify the transfer result, including merchant information, order details, payee information, and other parameters.


amountIntegerThe total payment amount in cents.
codeStringThe payment status code (e.g., success).
accountNameStringThe name of the account holder.
mchOrderNoStringThe unique merchant order number.
signStringThe signature for validation.
bankNameStringThe bank code or name.
reqTimeLongThe timestamp of the request.
transferIdStringThe unique transfer ID.
createdAtLongThe timestamp when the order was created.
accountNoStringThe account number associated with the payment.
successTimeLongThe timestamp when the payment was successful.
stateIntegerThe payment state (Payment Status:0 - Order Generated 1 - Payment in Progress 2 - Payment Successful 3 - Payment Failed 4 - Cancelled 5 - Refunded 6 - Order Closed).


    "amount": 65000,
    "code": "success",
    "accountName": "test",
    "mchOrderNo": "O1579T1737618468435",
    "sign": "D51B6BA7EC2A60E98C7252FA7E57B9F6",
    "bankName": "003",
    "reqTime": 1737623400406,
    "transferId": "T1882334406440656897",
    "createdAt": 1737618469235,
    "accountNo": "7542123898",
    "successTime": 1737622800000,
    "state": 2

4.2、Successfully received the response.

Description: Successfully accepted, please return SUCCESS.


•type: String

•describe: A signature of the data used to verify the authenticity and integrity of the response. The receiver needs to perform signature verification on the returned data based on the same signature algorithm.